We are in India! This is a place that you can absolutely love and hate all at the same time. We have been overwhelmed with how wonderful the people are and how beautiful the culture is, yet the extreme poverty, illness, and terrible sanitary conditions have put knots in our stomachs and kept us up at night. Still, we absolutely love this country and wish that we did not have to leave in 5 days. One of the many things we have had to get used to is the fact that there are two different prices for everything here - note the 10x price increase for foreigners to get into the zoo. When asked why this was they simply said "because you foreigner." Still we love this place and can't wait to come back.
Kings' Travel Journal
Welcome to our travel journal. The TravelingKings were indoctrinated in 2004 after spending a year overseas. While these days our trips are shorter the adventures are no less interesting. Here is the latest saga...
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