And, our final minutes in Corrientes. Our friends suprised us with a banner at the bus station. (Tears were everywhere). As you can tell, we will never forget this place nor the people. It was an amazing time of community and love for us. God taught us far more than we imagined He would, humbling us at every turn in the road. We will always remember this beautiful time in our lives.
Kings' Travel Journal
Welcome to our travel journal. The TravelingKings were indoctrinated in 2004 after spending a year overseas. While these days our trips are shorter the adventures are no less interesting. Here is the latest saga...
Thursday, June 02, 2005
While the Devil�s Throat may be the biggest, there are miles and miles of prettier waterfalls up in Iguazu. Here are a set of my favorites...they remind me of those motivational posters people have hanging in their know, the ones that say "TEAM WORK" or "MOTIVATION." I say, get motivated to get out of your office and see those waterfalls for real, man!
Soli, one of our friends, always cooked amazing meals for us while we were in Corrientes. Here, she cooks a welcome meal for Skip in Daniel`s apartment (which also happens to be the upstairs area of the church). Doesn`t that look tasty? Her cooking is the reason we are coming back a few pounds heavier.
We had a special visit for 10 days from Skip Powell, our recently doned Doctor friend from Minneapolis (well Chicago now for his residency). Skip shows off his Mate (gourd from which you drink yerba, or Argentine tea) to Daniel and Dave. Daniel is one of our great friends and Young Life leader in Corrientes.
Jennifer with Victoria, and MariaRosa Pujol, the child and wife of the principal of Mecenas, the school where we volunteered teaching English Conversation classes. They took us on our first adventure outside of Corrientes to MariaRosa`s Dad`s land. It was BEAUTIFUL! Dave says I look Argentine here...I take that as a compliment!